
Design And Evaluation of Blended Learning Environments

The research goal of this project was to examine the elements of flow and interactivity in blended learning environments with the aim to develop a framework that will guide the design and evaluation of blended learning environments. As part of this project, and to test and refine the framework, a course was developed, implemented and evaluated.

Mobile Learning to Support Argumentation in Science

TECHNOSKEPSI aimed to investigate the ways in which mobile tools and online technologies can support argumentation in science. The project engaged teachers and learners who worked in groups to study environmental problems by collecting data using handheld devices and engaging in a debate about the dimensions of the problem and possible solutions. Students, teachers and scientists collaborated to build arguments…

Training for Individuals who Qualify for International Protection Status

The objective of the project was to support persons with international protection status to be successfully integrated in the local Cyprus labour market and the local society, through vocational training programs. Training courses were developed and delivered courses to more than 200 members of the target group in areas like entrepreneurship, mentorship, train the trainer, basic computer skills, and employment…

Guide for Migrants Returning to their Countries

The project developed an Origin Guide, addressed to migrants living in Cyprus and who were about to return to their country of origin. The target countries were Syria, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh. The primary objective of the guides is to help migrants, returning to their country of origin, to re-integrate to their local society and labour market.

Cypriot Students’ Perceptions with Regards to Immigrants

The project investigated the perceptions and attitudes of Cypriot students in primary and secondary schools with respect to immigrants (Third Country Nationals). The research included a survey among 1250 students, interviews and focus groups. A set of recommendations were prepared regarding educational policies and integration procedures in public schools.

Developing Real World Authentic Learning

The project developed a model of authentic learning based on real-world problem solving and through collaborations between schools and enterprises. The model will be used to design and develop a Teacher Training Program to train school staff in creating, implementing, and evaluating learning activities using authentic learning approaches to engage and motivate learners.
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