SENIORS Supporting Migrant Integration

The specific objective of the project is to provide a wide range of support for those working for adult education, volunteerism and migrant inclusion and will help foster wider engagement with the interactive digital infrastructures created, with the aims to:

  • provide a supportive online digital environment where senior volunteers can remain active contributors to societies and where migrants can build key skills that will help them achieve integration;
  • help achieve integrated migrant communities that are appropriately informed to participate fully in the social civic life of their new country;
  • provide clear evidence that senior citizens can be retrained to address persistent social issues in their communities and that they have a profound role to play in the Europe of tomorrow;
  • raise awareness of the positive attributes of bespoke digital media learning environments and the potential they offer for providing training to groups on the margins of provision;
  • enhance the reputation of participating adult education, volunteer management and migrant support organisations as centres of excellence in the use of dynamic online learning environments and bespoke online educational resources that will help them to attract a higher calibre of work and/or retain their best staff;
  • help ensure that migrants who participate in the training provided will be recognized as active learners keen to build skill sets that are essential for civic and social integration;
  • build on the concept of familiar faces across cultural divides to support increased inclusion which is an important element of EU 2020 strategy.

Additional Info

Funding Agency:
02/09/2019 - 09/01/2021